Bower Generation

Bower Generation

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mama Gene... Part 1

For those of you who do not know. My sisters and I have recently came up with a new name for my mother. Well not exactly new, we have been calling her this for quite some time, but we decided it would officially be her "grandma name". You all know she is way to young looking, beautiful and honestly just to much of a unique person to be called just plain old Grandma. So we call her Mama Gene, or Gina, or G, or whatever seems to slip out at the moment. Now I know this post is well overdue, do to the fact that my mothers birthday was well over a week ago and she is probably someone I could write something new about just about everyday. But I will have you know, she has been working my little toosh off and she knows what for, so I will just leave it at that. Let me start out by saying, I know without a shadow of a doubt that this brief compilation of thoughts will barely skim the surface of things that I want, need, and have to say about my mother. But I have to start somewhere right? Thats why its titled "Part 1". First and foremost I want to say a few things about my mother and the kind of person she is in general (this is the mushy part). Outside of being a wife and mother, my mom works at the Bakersfield pregnancy center. She has dedicated her time, passion and talents to so many young women for the past 10+ years (a wild guess). Honestly, I believe this says a lot about her heart and the true charity and love that she expresses on a daily basis to so many young women who are in need of an ear to listen, a helping hand, a mentor, a friend. I cant even grasp the amount of lives she has touched by her desire to serve. Compassion is actually a very accurate word to describe my mother. She has such a desire to serve other people. A true attribute of our Savior Jesus Christ. My mother, outside of her service for others, was and still is, foremost a wife and a mother. This is her true passion and love. She has made many sacrifices over the years. From volleyball games, car races, to wedding planner. She has done it all, to say the least. I'm sure my mom had her moments of struggles over the years. She stood strong as the keeper of our home, as the matriarch of our family. She has held our family together at times when it seemed like each member was holding on by a thread. Her fervent prayers, steadfast love and devotion to her family has proven itself time and time again as our family reaps the blessings of her planted seeds. Now obviously I could go on and on about my dear mama and I honestly don't believe there is ever going to be a time where a feel like I have expressed my full love and gratitude towards my mother. But here is one thing I do know. My mother always tried her hardest, put God first, loved as Christ loved, and loved each of us despite our circumstance. She is my example, and if I try just a little bit every day to be like her, I know I will be better for it! Wow.. that felt good. I've needed to say all of that for quite sometime. Now.. despite my mother being all of those fabulous things that I mentioned above. Can I just say.... YOUR STILL OCD MOM.. there is no denying it. One thing my mom definitely is, is a perfectionist. Growing up the towels had to be facing a certain way when we put them in the cabinet (no one ever saw those towels but us). Outside oleander bushes were trimmed to perfection along with washed windows and no streaks on any surface EVER. But one thing is true. We all know how to work and she knows how to make things turn out just as they should be....perfect!! Ok mama..don't you be mad at me. But you know I tell it like it is and well honestly, deep down, we all kind of like it! Love you MOM
Isn't she just beautiful?


  1. Precious, Rach.... I am certain she is laughing with big ole tears.... :) BABY WAYNE is too stinking cute... Love you

  2. Your Mom is OCD? I would have never guessed! :) What a beautiful tribute to your Mom, she is one of the most compassionate people I know. You did a great job Rachel and I know she will deeply appreciate it. She is a pretty special Sister too! Auntie Margaret

  3. Thanks Kristi! Love you too!!

    Auntie Margaret you know how my mama is. LOve you!!

  4.'re right!!
    Margaret...thanks big sis!!
    Rach..don't know what to say except "you are loved"
